Mirnajmi Apiary

The main location of mirnajmi apiary is hillside of dalamper  mountain


Hillside of dalamper


Dalamper mountain is one of the high heights border of Iran and Iraq and turkey. In south west of urmia and about the 2500 hight from the sea level the lush hillside of dalamper enjoy the mountainous weather and it is the main location of different kinds of medical plants and wild plants .

Existence of collection of different kinds of medical and healing plants  is consider the favorable background for establishment of beehive honey bee .

Mianajmi apiary is provided this opportunity with establishment in this area so the bees can use from the nectar of different kinds of plants and flowers to producing honey.

The wild nature of dalamper is the best condition for establishment of beehive of mirnajmi and from the year of 1960 is the main location of apiry of mirnajmi.

The honey which produce in this area has very high quality and high grade and has the expected conditions of institute of standards and industrial research of Iran.